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HomeBathroom DesignHow to Keep The Cleanliness and Neatness of The Bathroom

How to Keep The Cleanliness and Neatness of The Bathroom

Simdreamhomes.comĀ – The bathroom is indeed the smallest room in the house. Even so, the bathroom became the most frequently used room. The room that is often used automatically will quickly get dirty and messy, especially the bathroom.

A dirty bathroom will cause bacteria and germs to gather in this room. As a result, you will be susceptible to disease. So, to avoid these things you have to keep the bathroom clean. Not only clean, but the neatness of the bathroom must also be considered.

Confused on how to maintain the cleanliness and neatness of your bathroom? You do not have to be confused and worry because here we have prepared some tips How to Keep The Cleanliness and Neatness of The Bathroom. So, let’s check it out!

1. Throw Away Unused Bathroom Stuff

Certainly, in the bathroom there are lots of bathroom stuff. And if you are lazy to tidy it up, it could be that some bathroom stuff that has been used up and is not used anymore is still stored on the bathroom shelf.

Check out some bathroom items that are not used or expired, such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, facial wash, and so on. And don’t forget to tidy up the bathroom stuff that you still use.

2. Changing Hair Bands, Body Brushes, Toothbrushes, and Body Scrubbing Regularly

Hairbands, body brushes, toothbrushes, and body scrubbing are important items that are definitely in the bathroom. However, using these items for a long time will make them look old and out of use. In addition, bacteria have also lodged on these stuff. So, make sure you replace these stuff with new ones regularly, which is once a year. And the time to replace a toothbrush is 6 months

3. Clean The Soap Dish

If you prefer to use bar soap, of course you need a soap dish to put this soap. The soap dish that is not cleaned will make the soap stick and stack here. As a result, bacteria stick to the soap dish and make it unhygienic again.

Clean the soap dish once a week using a brush and water. And make sure there is not the least amount of soap attached to the soap dish.

4. Prepare A Few Towels in The Bathroom

You will not know anyone who comes to your house and uses your bathroom. Your family or friends might stay at your house. Therefore, preparing some clean towels in the bathroom is very important.

To make the bathroom look neat and clean, you can fold a towel and put it on the bathroom shelf or on the floating wall shelf. Make sure one person uses one towel to avoid germs from one person to another.

5. Close The Toilet When You Flush It

This is often the fault of many people, not closing the toilet when pressing the flush button. Maybe they want to make sure the toilet is clean. However, by not closing the toilet when it is flushed, the water in the toilet will splash on the floor or elsewhere. Not only that, but bacteria from the toilet can also fly and stick to bathroom stuff such as toothbrushes, soap bars, towels, and others.

So, to keep the bathroom clean, make sure you close the toilet first before pressing the flush button.

6. Wipe the Bathroom Surface with a Wet Wipe

As a room that is often used, the bathroom will easily get wet. Usually, there will be water on the surface of the sink and the bathroom wall (if your walls are ceramic). If left alone, the bathroom becomes a gathering place for bacteria. This is certainly not very good for your health.

In order to make the bathroom always clean, you can prepare a wet cloth and wipe the exposed surface until it is clean and dry.

Here are the bathroom spots that should be wiped with a wet cloth:

  • Wetafel
  • Toilet
  • Wall
  • Floor
  • Flush bottom
  • Sink
  • Door Handle

7. Placing The Tooth Brush on The Right Place

A common mistake that people often make is putting an arbitrary toothbrush. Some even put several toothbrushes in the same place. This is certainly not very good. Germs from one toothbrush will stick to the other toothbrush. And of course, this will cause disease for those who use this toothbrush.

To prevent things like this from happening, you can use a toothbrush cover or separate the toothbrush, like putting a toothbrush in a different place and of course still paying attention to the neatness of the bathroom. You can use some glass to put a toothbrush. One glass for one toothbrush. This glass can also be used for gargling.

8. Washing Hands Before and After From the Bathroom

Lots of people who think this is trivial. Indeed handwashing looks so simple that it is often overlooked. Though washing hands is the first step to keeping the bathroom clean and free of germs.

To keep the bathroom clean, you can wash your hands before touching anything in the bathroom. After finishing, you can wash your hands again to make sure you are clean of germs in the bathroom.

9. Brushing The Bathroom Regularly

The bathroom used will be easy to be mossy. Usually, moss will stick to surfaces that are often exposed to water, such as floors, walls, toilets, bathtubs, showers, sinks, and so on. If you leave the bathroom will look very dirty.

To make sure the bathroom is free from moss or black spots that are rugged, you can brush the bathroom regularly, which is once a week. To make it easier for you to brush and make the bathroom much cleaner, you can use bathroom cleaning liquid.

10. Throw Garbage in The Bathroom When The Smell is Not Good

Providing a trash can in the bathroom is very important. Because there will be some garbage that must be disposed of in the bathroom, such as shampoo, soap, tissue, and sanitary pads.

When throwing the garbage you don’t have to wait until this garbage is full. You can dispose of it when this garbage has an unpleasant odor. And do not forget to clean the trash can with soap and water to make sure it free from the germs and bacteria.

11. Clean The Window in The Bathroom

If there is a window in the bathroom, you must pay attention to the cleanliness of this window. Because dirty windows not only make the bathroom look dirty but also make the bathroom uncomfortable at sight. You can clean it by wetting the newspapers that are not used then wipe the window with this.

12. Using The Automatic Air Freshener

The final stage to make the bathroom feel fresh is to use an automatic air freshener. By using this, the bathroom will still smell nice and feel so comfortable.

You can also use aromatherapy fragrances or fragrances that you like to make the bathroom feel comfortable and fresh when used.


The bathroom is the room most often used, both private and people who visit our homes. The place is humid of course very easy for germs and bacteria to gather in this room. Plus some people who use the bathroom will make more bacteria and germs. Dirty bathrooms are certainly not very good for our health. Therefore, maintaining a clean bathroom is a must. And above are tips for maintaining a clean bathroom and making the bathroom comfortable and fresh.



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