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HomeHome DesigningHow to Organize and Choosing Beautiful and Artistic Indonesian Traditional Houses

How to Organize and Choosing Beautiful and Artistic Indonesian Traditional Houses

As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has many inhabitants, regional languages, culture, regional arts, and traditional houses according to the region. Each region has characteristics, and one of them is a beautiful and artistic custom home.

In this article, we want to share some Indonesian traditional design houses. Beautiful house design and highlight more classic designs than modern designs and make this house look artistic. Of course, all you can see from home design, furniture, accessories, materials used, and home yard. Then, If you want to make a beautiful and fun traditional house, you have to prepare as follows:

1. Location

You must know, the best location for making traditional houses is outside the city because the manufacture of this custom house is more appropriate to use a classic design. Then the material is also used wooden and exposed bricks. As for the houses in the city, more use materials from cement and concrete, and the making with minimalist design. Therefore, for making this traditional house cannot be made in any place.

2. Best design

Before you step into making a house, then the design is needed. Then you have to hand over the construction of the house to a designer who understands classic design so that your home looks beautiful and classic. Therefore, we want to share ideas with you on how to designed a traditional house to become a luxurious and artistic house.

By hiring the best designer, you will get a luxury design, for example, the selection for the front view of the house, living room, family room, bedroom, front and back yard, garden and dining room, and kitchen. Without the best designer, the design will not be satisfactory. Therefore, most people entrust the house design to a famous designer.

3. Material

Material is a material that can be a hallmark of the model of the house. Therefore, some of the rooms that are always a concern by the designer are the front of the house. It is generally the hallmark of the house model and always looks luxurious and pleasing to them. Therefore, the designer must be an expert in choosing the material used and attractive paint so the appearance of the traditional house will look beautiful and artistic.

4. Safety and comfort

Having a very luxurious traditional house makes you have to prepare your home security. For this reason, you must ask a home designer to prepare equipment for securing your home. Then, asking by designers to install secure fences and install security trails on the doors and windows. Besides that, don’t make sharp materials that protrude on the surface of the walls because they can harm you. In this way, you will feel safe and comfortable at home.

5. Rooms Accessories

For the design of the traditional house to look more luxurious, the selection of furniture, room accessories, and material must choose beautifully. Of course, all this is related to the beauty of the traditional house so that people who see it will be amazed. Then, To make all that you have to prepare enough money, so the result is according to your taste.

6. Some beautiful traditional room design

Having a beautiful and artistic home is everyone’s dream. To make it, of course, you have to work hard to get a fantastic income. In this way, you can find your sweet dreams.

In this article, we will explain some of the beautiful designs of traditional houses. In the picture below, we will present some beautiful and luxurious room designs and custom houses. As you can see, some of the rooms are designed artistic and attractive and make everyone who looks at them amazed.

Looks! You are so curious and want to see some of the appearances of the house. For that, let’s discuss one by one the custom house. If you like to make something like the picture below, you must prepare enough money, location, and you will be happy and enjoy it every time! Let’s start with the house you admire!

Bali traditional house

Event Bali is a famous and beautiful island, and this island is a favorite tourist destination. Bali still has traditional houses that still exist today. Bali’s traditional home has a strong history for the Balinese, and the uniqueness of this house is always awake.

Then, although many foreign tourists come to Bali, Balinese culture will not lose. As an area that is full of tourists, therefore, Bali emphasizes its regional culture more. Then you must know Balinese traditional houses have three aspects, namely Parahyangan, Pawongan, and Palemahan, and all of them follow the art of Balinese procedures. In this way, the custom Bali house looks beautiful and artistic. If you like it, you can make it with a smaller model. Then, you can choose the location on the outskirts of town. Of course, you have to prepare enough money and location!

Balinese gate

If you often visit Bali, this building is identical to Balinese houses and this which are shaped like Candi Bentar and located in front of the house building. This building looks like a fence and entrance and the exit of the house. This building is called Angkul-angkul. Then it has a connecting roof made of dry grass. However, over time many have replaced it with tile, and there are carvings on the walls.

According to Bali culture, this building can’t make carelessly, and their belief this entrance can protect the house owner. With this design, the Balinese gate looks attractive and unique. Of course, you have to prepare enough money and location!

Bali living room

Bale Dauh is a building to receive guests or a living room. This bale is also using for a teenage boy’s bed. According to tradition, this building must locate in the western part of the main house with a lower floor height than Bale Manten.

The uniqueness of Bale Dauh is the number of poles that differ from one house to another and has a special designation for the number of poles. They believe is that the pillars in this room will bring good luck to them. In this way, the custom Bali living room looks beautiful and charming. If you like this design you can make it with a smaller model, of course, you have to prepare enough money!

Bali Dining room

Bale Gede is part of a traditional Balinese house that functions as a gathering place, dining room, and a place to serve Balinese food used for traditional ceremonies.
This traditional house is located east of the main house with a higher floor position than Bale Manten. Its uniqueness is that there are 12 poles as supports, and we called Sacaroras.

This Bale Gede is rectangular with a size larger than the traditional house building. Another function of this traditional house is that it is often used as a place to make Balinese sculptures or carvings, as well as a place to knit clothes. In this way, the custom dining room looks beautiful and comfortable. If you like this design you can make it with a smaller model, of course, you have to prepare enough money!

Aceh traditional houses

The first traditional Sumatran house is the custom Acehnese house, or Krong bade. Aceh traditional house using a structure that has a height of 2-3 meters from the ground. Overall this house is made of wood except for the roof and the floor.

In general, traditional Acehnese houses have roofs made of sago palm leaves or palm leaves that have been woven and on the floor made of bamboo that has been arranging to become a floor. Then it uses a stage structure, Aceh’s traditional house has a basement.

Usually, the basement is using to store food or function as a warehouse. In addition, it is also used as an activity for women, for example, to weave typical Acehnese cloth, and this is one of the factors that characterize the traditional house of Aceh. If you like it, you can make it with a smaller model. Then, you can choose the location on the outskirts of town. Of course, you have to prepare enough money!

Padang traditional houses

Padang traditional living room

The next Sumatran traditional house is the West Sumatra traditional house is Rumah Gadang or big houses. This house is the traditional house of the Minangkabau tribe. This house is one of the houses on stilts which has a large size and rectangular shape. Then, there are several families in this house.

Just like other traditional houses, this house is making of materials that come from nature. For support poles, walls and floors are making of wood or bamboo. Then, The roof is making of fibers, and the Gadang house has a shape like a buffalo horn.

Although overall made of natural materials, this house has the best architecture. This house is also designed as an earthquake-resistant house to adjust to the natural conditions that earthquakes often occur. Therefore, they functioned as residences for the Padang tribe. In this way, the custom Padang house looks beautiful and luxurious. If you like it, you can make it with a smaller model. Then, you can choose the location on the outskirts of town. Of course, you have to prepare enough money!

Batak traditional houses

Batak karo traditinal living room

The next Sumatran traditional house is the North Sumatran traditional house or the Bolon house. Bolon house is one of the cultures owned by the Batak tribe in North Sumatra. Just like any other house, this house is also making of materials found in nature.

The house pillars used to support this house have a height of about 1.75 meters from the ground. This custom house Made of logs with a diameter of more than 40 cm, the walls are made of woven, the floor is made of boards, and the roof is made of thatch or palm fiber. In this way, the custom Batak house looks beautiful and unique.

Then the living room is made very simple and only equipped with floor sofa seating and traditional lamps. In this way, the characteristic is inherent in the Batak Karo tribe. If you like it, you can make it with a smaller model. Then, you can choose the location on the outskirts of town. Of course, you have to prepare enough money!

Palembang traditional house

Palembang tradition living room

The next Sumatran traditional house is the South Sumatra traditional house or limas house. As the name suggests, this house has a building shaped like a pyramid. The limas house is one of the large custom houses because the area can reach 400 to 1000 square meters.

You can see this custom house is big and wide then this house is using as a place for celebrations or other traditional events. Most of the components of this house are making of the best wood like walls, doors, and floors. But the pillars to support this house are made of waterproof wood.

Then, you can see the traditional Palembang living room, furniture made of wood that is beautifully carved and artistically painting. In this way, the custom Palembang house looks beautiful and unique. If you like it, you can make it with a smaller model. Then, you can choose the location on the outskirts of town. Of course, you have to prepare enough money!

Bangka Belitung traditional house

Bangka Belitung traditional living room

The next Sumatran traditional house is the Bangka Belitung traditional house or house on stilts. Bangka Belitung is one of the provinces that have a culture like the Malays. Including the custom house of Bangka Belitung, also use a design like the Malays.

This traditional house is Like other Malay custom houses. Then, this house is in the form of a home on stilts made of materials obtained from nature. House pillars and floors are making of wood. In addition, the roof of this house is making of leaves of thatch and fibers.

As you can see, there are nine pillars used to support this house. One large pole is using as the best pole and is placing in the middle of the building. In this way, this house can stand upright and so as not to collapse. Besides that, this custom house for the symbols and icons for the people of Bangka Belitung. Then is used as a place for events or as a residence for Bangka Belitung residents.

Then, you can see the traditional Bangka Belitung living room, furniture made of wood. In this way, the custom Bangka Belitung house looks beautiful and fun. If you like it, you can make it with a smaller model. Then, you can choose the location on the outskirts of town. Of course, you have to prepare enough money!

Java traditional house

Java traditional living room

The people of Central Java used to build houses based on function and social status. This traditional Joglo house is known as a house for nobles or the rich because this house is making of wood, which is more expensive than other houses and, of course, the best quality.

As you know, that this house has the java characteristic that there are four main pillars in front of the house. The main house as the Pendopo, Overhang, Pringgitan, Senthong Tengah, Senthong Kiwa, Senthong Engen. While the additional part, there is a Gandhok room.

Then, you can see the traditional Java living room, all furniture made of teak wood. In this way, the custom Java house looks beautiful and artistic. If you like it, you can make it with a smaller model. Then, you can choose the location on the outskirts of town. Of course, you have to prepare enough money!

Betawi traditional house

Betawi traditional living room

When you hear the word Jakarta, the first thing that comes to your mind is usually a big city, the capital city of Indonesia with tall buildings, modern houses, to traffic density.

However, not many people know that Jakarta is famous by the Betawi tribe with many cultures like other provinces. For example, traditional houses have philosophical meanings that are closely related to history and life. Unfortunately, Betawi custom houses are rarely look in Jakarta due to trends or influences from foreign cultures. Therefore, we as the nation’s successors must continue to preserve the culture and customs of the area where we live.

Then for the living room, according to their custom, they must be made on the front of the house so that guests are more relaxed. In this way, characteristic is inherent in the Betawi tribe. This design makes the front of the house will look beautiful and fun. If you love Betawi home culture, you can make it on the outskirts of Jakarta and make a big house according to your taste.


For those of you who like to see the beauty and luxury of several Indonesian custom houses, we present some of their home designs that look beautiful, attractive, and luxurious. Therefore, you can make a smaller model.

In this article, we explained several Indonesian custom houses. Then to make it a smaller model, of course, you will have to spend the money if your home has to be decorated by a home decoration company. But if you don’t have enough money, you can make it according to the picture we explained then give it to the home decoration maker. Hopefully, you can make like this picture. Hopefully, this article can help you to create and organize your home. Happy decorating!



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