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HomeHome Improvement8 Tips for Keeping Your House Clean and Tidy

8 Tips for Keeping Your House Clean and Tidy – As a place to live and rest, the house must be a comfortable place. Making the house look attractive and in accordance with your wishes is indeed the main stage so that the house feels comfortable. However, in addition, cleanliness and tidiness of the house are also things that must be considered. A house with a beautiful and attractive design will be in vain if the house looks dirty and messy. Thus, we have provided 8 Tips for Keeping Your House Clean and Tidy that you can follow. So, let’s check it out!

1. Make The Bed in The Morning

The most basic thing in maintaining the cleanliness and tidiness of the house is done when you start the day, namely waking up. Many people will let laziness overtake them and eventually the bed will look messy. A messy bed will certainly make the bedroom look unattractive and uncomfortable. So, make the bed in the morning is the first tip for keeping your house clean and tidy.

clean and tidy bedroom
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Because the bed is the main item in the bedroom, so the look of this item is important. If you use a white bedsheet, you can replace it with a new one. Maybe the length of time using a white bedsheet will be shorter than using a dark-colored bedsheet. So, try to replace them regularly.

Besides that, the placement of pillows must also be considered, especially for those of you who use more than two pillows. Make sure you arrange the pillows neatly.

In this way, You can immediately rest at night after doing activities.

2. Sweeping and Mopping the Floor

Even though the house is closed and rarely opened, dust is still there every day. Dust will stick to the surface of the house including the floor. Therefore, floors that are rarely swept and mopped will make the soles of our feet black. Of course this is very uncomfortable. So, sweeping and mopping the floor is the second tip for keeping your house clean and tidy.

clean floor
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Because dust is always there every day, the floor must also be sweeped and mopped every day. In addition, there are currently floor cleaners that can make germs on the floor die. Also, various kinds of fragrances from floor cleaners can make the house smell good and fresh.

You can do sweeping and mopping after making the bed. Starting the day with cleaning and cleaning the house can boost your mood.

3. Put Stuff in Their Place After Use

The mistake that is often made by people is not putting things back in their place after using them. This of course makes the room messy and looks dirty. Eventually the room becomes uncomfortable and unattractive. So, if you want to keep your house clean and tidy, put stuff in their place after use becomes the next tip you can follow.

clean bathroom
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As in the bathroom. There were lots of bottles there and people would put the bottles all over the place after using them. Of course the bottles will look scattered.

Besides that, putting things back in their place after you are done using can make it easier for you when you need them back. You do not need to look around for the item because the item is in its place.

4. Immediately Wash Cutlery

The kitchen is the easiest room to get dirty and messy. Here, there will be lots of food scraps and dirty kitchen utensils that make the kitchen look dirty and messy. Besides that, the food scraps that stick to the dirty tableware make the kitchen smell bad. So, immediately wash cutlery is the fourth tip for keeping your house clean and tidy.

Stacking food cancellation on the sink is very disturbing the appearance of the kitchen. The kitchen becomes unattractive. So, try to immediately wash the cutlery. Besides making the kitchen dirty, pounding dirty food cancellation makes you even more lazy to clean it.

clean and tidy kitchen
Cc: Pinterest

After washing cutlery, try to wipe it down immediately and put it back in its place. This aims to keep the kitchen looking neat. However, if you want to dry it first, you can use a wire mat cutlery drainer.

After washing the cutlery, of course there will be water spots in the kitchen. If left untreated, the water will dry out and crust up. When it is crusty, it will be difficult to clean. Therefore, provide a dry cloth to wipe the water.

5. Choosing a Closed Garbage Can

Still in the kitchen area. In the kitchen, there is usually a trash can to dispose of food scraps or other garbage. Wet rubbish such as food scraps will certainly smell bad and can make the kitchen uncomfortable. Besides that, the unpleasant smell from the kitchen can also spread to other rooms and make your home uncomfortable. Therefore, to solve this problem choose a closed garbage can.

Closed Garbage Can
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There are many forms and types of closed garbage can which you can use to make your kitchen look attractive. Like garbage clean with a minimalist shape and soft neutral colors, it is very suitable for a minimalist kitchen. Or garbage clean made of aluminum which is perfect for modern kitchens.

6. Provide A Shoe Rack

Small items are rarely noticed, including shoes. In fact, putting these items just like that makes the house look messy. Therefore, provide a shoe rack is the next tip you can follow for keeping your house clean and tidy.

provide a shoe rack
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Try to put a shoe rack in the front of the house so that every family member who comes from outside can immediately put their shoes / sandals there. That way, the house will look neat.

Currently, there are many models of shoe racks, such as open racks or glass. Choosing a shelf with glass is a good choice so that the dust does not get your shoes / sandals dirty. However, if your room is small, use open shelves so that the room does not look cramped.

Make sure the sandals / shoes are neatly arranged so that the house does not look messy.

7. Washing Clothes Every Day

The piling up of dirty clothes is certainly very disturbing to the appearance of the room. Besides that, dirty clothes will also cause an unpleasant odor, making the room uncomfortable. So, try to wash your dirty clothes every day. Make this your daily routine. You can wash it in the morning or at night after coming home from work.

clean bathroom
Cc: Pinterest

So that the appearance of the room is not disturbed by piling up dirty clothes, you can use closed dirty clothes storage. Also, there are currently many attractive dirty clothes storage models which can be used as room decorations.

8. Clean The Cleaning Equipment After Use

And the last tip for keeping your house clean and tidy is to wash the cleaning equipment after use. Cleaning equipment will usually get dirty after use and if not cleaned, germs will stick to the cleaning equipment.

Besides that, cleaning the cleaning equipment after use will make it easier for you when you want to use it again on another day.

cleaning equipment
Cc: Pinterest

An example is a broom. When you sweep, there will be dust and hair stuck to the broom. And if not cleaned, the dust and hair will come back when you use it again. Apart from that there is a mop. Mops will get dirty and smelly if you don’t clean and dry them. So, clean the mop after use and dry it under the hot sun so that the germs that stick to the mop die.


Choosing the right design, decorating the house as best as possible, is indeed the stage to make the house a comfortable place to live. However, besides that, cleanliness and tidiness of the house are also things that must be considered. And, in this article, we provide the 8 Tips for Keeping Your House Clean and Tidy you can follow. So, happy trying!



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