– We often experience boredom and saturated at home. Moreover, the Covid-19 situation like this requires us to always stay at home. Feelings of boredom and saturated have certainly accumulated.
When you are bored, parks are one of the right places to make yourself fresh again. So, making a garden at home is the right idea to make the house a comfortable place to live in.
Creating a big garden is not always applied to large houses. In fact, now the tiny house is one of the comfortable residences with a big garden in it.
And in this article, we have provided Beautiful and Comfortable Tiny House Ideas with Big Garden that can be your references. So, let’s check it out!
Comfortable Garden for Gathering and Relaxing with Fire Pit
Gathering and enjoying free time with family is indeed a very pleasant thing. Especially if the atmosphere around is very supportive.
The garden at home is one of the most appropriate places to choose to spend time with family. Green plants in the garden are very helpful in making us fresh and calm. Plus some flowers make the air in the garden smell good.
The cold night air, especially in winter, will certainly make the garden uncomfortable. So, presenting a fire pit in the park is the right idea. You can also put on some comfortable benches. A wood benches that is given a cushion on it can be an option. So, when it rains, you can bring a cushion into the house so it does not get wet and dirty.
With the fire pit, the park is the most comfortable place after it rains. However, if the surface of the garden in your tiny house is dirt, the garden will feel very dirty. So, it would be better to replace it. You can choose wood or paving blocks. With this, the garden becomes one of the places that can be enjoyed after the rain.
Attractive Tiny House with Modern Design
The small house factor coupled with setting aside land to create a big garden is indeed a challenge. However, this does not mean that the small house cannot be made into a beautiful and comfortable place to live.
Currently, the concept of a small and minimalist house is indeed popular. Modern design is one of the most applied designs.
If you still think that modern design is a design that follows today’s styles, you are wrong. Modern design is a design that prioritizes the impression of being spacious, functional, with a simple but attractive appearance. Therefore, applying a modern design to a tiny house is the best way to make this residence feel comfortable and look attractive.
In modern designs, the colors used tend to be neutral colors, such as white, brown, beige, and black.
Maybe if you still think applying black can make a small house appear smaller, you should wipe that thought clean. When applied properly, black creates a bold and calm look that will make the house look mature, attractive, and sharp, and modern.
Open Plan Concept Make It Feels Spacious
When you decide to use a large enough area to be used as a garden, you automatically know the consequences, namely that space in the house will be very limited. The rooms in the house are also very narrow. If not designed and decorated properly, the tiny house will become an uncomfortable place to live.
Therefore, to work around this you can apply an open plan concept to be the only way that can be applied to a tiny house.
There is no barrier in the form of walls or partitions for the bedroom, living room, and kitchen. Except for the bathroom, as a private place, the bathroom must be given a barrier.
Because the open plan concept is applied to the tiny house, there is no barrier that can divide the function of the room properly. However, there is no need to worry because the carpet can be used. A carpet placed under the bed can be a sign that this is the bedroom.
Or, you can also place the furniture separately. As can be seen from the picture below, if a living room usually uses several sofas and is placed separately, in the example image below the sofas are arranged together (not separate). In addition, the additional carpet under the table indicates that the place is a living room.
Loft Bedroom will Feel More Private
As a private room, the bedroom is better set apart from other rooms. If you provide a separation such as using a partition or building a wall, the tiny house will look so narrow. As a result, the tiny house will become an uncomfortable place to live in.
A loft bedroom is the most appropriate idea to apply to a tiny house. By making a loft bedroom, the bedroom will feel more private. In this way, you will feel more comfortable and free when in the bedroom. Not only that but applying a loft bedroom to a tiny house is one way to make a tiny house feel wider.
Because in the loft bedroom the mattress will be put on the floor so it is easy to feel cold when you are sleeping. So that the loft bedroom still feels nice and warm, you can give a carpet under the mattress.
When you have decided to apply the loft bedroom to your tiny house, you need to make the walls in the tiny house higher. Do not forget to provide a window so that the tiny house does not feel cramped and stuffy.
Understair Storage and Shelf to Save Space
Inside the house, of course, there are several things that, if left unchecked, will make the house look messy and dirty. Therefore, to make the tiny house look clean, tidy, and comfortable, these items must be hidden.
Shelf and cupboard are furniture that are usually used to put unused items. However, this second use will certainly make the tiny house feel even narrower and smaller.
Understair storage and shelf is one idea that can be applied. Putting items in the understair storage and shelf is one of the most appropriate ways to make a tiny house look clean, tidy, beautiful, and also comfortable. Not only that, the use of understair storage and shelf is very helpful in saving the space in the room.
Open Concept Tiny House with Big Garden
The existence of a large garden outside the house is a pity if it is not used. The green in the garden can make a tiny house a place to live in that feels so fresh and soothing. So, the open concpet tiny house is a good idea.
There are two items that can be used to apply the open concept to the tiny house:
- Window. It is an object that can connect the interior and exterior of the house. Besides, it can also be an object that can make air circulation in the house good.
- Glass door. As a barrier and a place to enter between interior and exterior. Glass doors are great for showing a beautiful view outside the house.
For glass doors, try choosing a sliding glass door. This will be very helpful in saving the space in the tiny house.
The use of glass doors and windows in tiny houses can make tiny houses look naturally bright. Natural light is great for keeping tiny houses away from feeling cramped and stuffy. And also, bringing excess natural light to a small house is one way to make a small house feel wider.
Want to have a large garden in your house? Creating a large garden can not only be applied to large houses. The small houses can also have a large garden. It is just, because too much land is used to make a garden, the house will be tiny, or we can call it as a tiny house. However, do not worry because a tiny house can be a very beautiful and comfortable place to live. With right decoration and design, you will have a tiny house that you want. Unfortunately, your certainty need the references first. And here, we have provided Beautiful and Comfortable Tiny House Ideas with Big Garden that can be your references.