Overview Minimalist door
The appearance of a house can be influenced by the front door. With the best and most attractive door design, everyone who looks at the house will be happy and amazed. Therefore, choosing a two-sided minimalist home door model can be an inspiration for you. Of the many models of house doors, one of them can suit your taste. For that, we recommend the best door that suits your choice. However, if you have found the right design and suit your taste, then the appearance of your front door will be more attractive to the eye. If you intend to look for one of the designs for that, we will explain the door designs that are popular today below.
2. Most popular front door designs
You can make the door design according to your wishes. But the results are not necessarily following the model of your home. If this happens, then the front of your house will look unattractive to the eye. Therefore, we provide a review of the best and most attractive front door designs. Currently, the design that is popular in the eyes of the public is minimalist. This minimalist door design does not have too many variations and the colors are more attractive. With a bright and soft color design, the front of your home will look beautiful and fun. Then, the door design with two sides will make the house look grand and big. The most important thing is, you must choose a design that fits the model of the house and don’t choose a model that is too big for a small house. The play of profiles and variations on the door, is very much needed in the design of the front door of the house, such as glass decorations, profiles, iron trellis motifs, and colors. For that, we will provide some pictures like the review below.
3. Some examples of interesting front doors
In this article, we will provide some pictures of attractive front doors. Then, choose the model and color of this door to adjust to the type of house. Then, please select the best and most attractive door like the pictures. For that, let’s discuss one by one the images below. Hopefully, this example can use for your liking. Happy following!
Minimalist door model made of wood and glass
 We can see that this door model has two main ornaments, namely dark brown wood and glass in the upper middle of the door. This door has been designed with a profile model on the side of the door. Then, the glass has made of tabuing models with bright colors. Then, to make it look more attractive, the door handle is made according to the door color. We know that the glass on the door gives a luxurious and exclusive impression of the front of the house. Then if you want privacy you can add beautiful curtains on the glass inside the door. Then, the door design is very suitable for a big house because it looks magnificent. If you are happy with this design, you can make this design for your big house inspiration.
Classic minimalist house door model
 The classic model door is still much liked by homeowners who want their house to look artistic. Because the design of this door uses teak wood as the material. Then, the classic design can add to the appearance of the front of your house to look more magnificent. Therefore, we provide a review of this. The door with dark wood brown color makes the door look beautiful and artistic. Moreover, the carving on the door can make it look more attractive and fun. Then the presence of two-door handles is also adjusted to the color of the door to make it look harmonious. This door model is very suitable for those of you who have a large or small house. But what you need to pay attention to is the design of the wood grain must be visible to make it look natural. If you like classic and unique designs, you can add this design for your inspiration.
Artistic house door model
 If you are happy with artistic door models, this one image is perfect for you to make as an inspiration for your home. The artistic nuance makes you are fun with the art of carving and modeling. It can be seen from the carvings made by the door craftsman. There is a symbol in the middle of the door. In addition, the door handle is also made artistically by using threaded carvings. Then on the side of the door, there is glass which adds to the impression of luxury. You can make this door in a large house with a classic concept. If you want more of this door carving design, you can order it from a doorman. Then, you can also adjust the color of the door to your taste because this design is more suitable for dark colors, such as dark brown or black. Hopefully, this design can provide additional ideas for you.
Black modern minimalist door model
 You certainly want the appearance of your home to look beautiful and modern. For that, you can choose the best design. In this review, we want to give you ideas to make your home look more charming. Therefore, we provide the concept of a front door model like this picture. This door has black, so it looks majestic. Then, to make the door look more luxurious, this door is combined with glass, and there is a special pattern such as a flower model on the glass. Then the door handle is designed with stainless material. That way, all these elements make a single elegant and luxurious door. This door design is suitable for minimalist homes and large houses. If you like the door with dark color, you can take this design for your home inspiration.
Black minimalist door model without glass
 The black color is one of the hallmarks of a minimalist design and symbolizes might. So if you want the front of your house to look more magnificent, you can use black for your door design. Then, this door design looks simpler than the previous design. This black wooden door design does not use glass. Then, there are many carvings or sculptures so that it looks artistic. Although this design is simple, it still looks elegant with thick black color. Then, to make it look more attractive, you can decorate the front of the door with a bright-colored floor carpet and place colorful flowers. With these decorations, the appearance of the front of your house will look beautiful and charming. This door design is also suitable for minimalist home models. If you have a small home, you can design the front door of your house like the design. Hopefully, this review can add to your inspiration.
Iron trellis door model
 Not all doors are made with wood and glass designs. For those who want their home to be safe. They must have designed the front door of their house not to be easy for people to enter. Therefore, the model of the front door of the house that most of the materials use an iron trellis you can design for the security of your home. In addition to the iron trellis, you can combine this design with glass to make it look more private for homeowners. This design is suitable if you have a classic design house. Then, the design of the front door of this house can be used for a minimalist type house. But you have to design it well to make it look more attractive. To make the front of the house more attractive, you can decorate beautiful flower pots. If you have a house in an area that is not safe, you can use this design for your inspiration.
Mediterranean house door model
 The door of this one house looks beautiful and elegant because this color is one of the hallmarks of this two-door minimalist home door model is the curved top. Making this door design is very in tune with the style of the Mediterranean-style house which has a gap between the rooms with a curved shape. But on the other hand, this door also shows a minimalist concept wrapped in dark brown. Then, you can see the door of this house looks unique because the doorknob place is below, so it looks unique and fun. If you have a minimalist home, you can take this design for your inspiration.
Monochrome minimalist door model
 The front door of this one house looks so attractive. Moreover, on the left and right are designed with glass windows with white curtains. Then the black color of the door makes the door look more authoritative. Then, the door of this house puts forward black and white. The door of this house will be in rhythm if you have a house with a monochrome concept. Therefore, we share ideas with you to make your home look beautiful and authoritative. This door is also suitable for those of you who have a minimalist home model. However, for installation, must be adjusted to the area of ​​​​the house to make it look more harmonious. If you want to design a house door like this, you have to match the color of the front wall of your house. That way, the black color of the door will match the color of your walls. If you have a small home, you can also take examples of this design for your inspiration.
Glass model minimalist house door
 If you like the bright colors exterior of your home. Of course, you can design your front door with a glass design. This design looks in European style. The door color is thick with a minimalist concept, then the left and right windows are designed in bright colors. Then, the door of this house is suitable for homes that have a garden in front of the house. In this way, you can see your beautiful plants from inside the house. Then, to look more attractive beside the door, you can decorate it with wall lamps. Then you can create a vertical line profile on the sidewall. With a design like this, the front of your house will look more attractive. If you have a house concept like it, you can use this design as your inspiration.
Beautiful double-sided minimalist door
 The design of a house cannot be separated from the door design. Then, for those of you who have a small home, In this way, we want to share ideas to provide examples of beautiful two-sided minimalism doors. The door of this house has been designed in gray color. Then, in the middle has made a beautiful profile, and the door handle has made in gold. That way, this two-sided minimalist house door looks more attractive and charming. In addition, this door has a design with a white natural stone wall. Then, the front of the house has plants with beautiful flower plants. Of course, make the house look beautiful and fun. If you have a minimalist home with limited land, you can take this design for your additional ideas and inspiration.
Artistic model house front door
 Having a beautiful home is everyone’s dream. But to make that happen, you have to prepare a good front design with an artistic door. This door has designed with high artwork, so the model looks artistic and fun. The combination of wood and glass designs looks very neat. Then the color of the front house door looks more in contrast with the color of the walls. The presence of plants in pots makes the door look more beautiful. If you are happy with the design of this door, you can make this door your idea and inspiration.
4. Conclusion
To design your front door, please choose the best inspiration design that matches the exterior decoration of your home. So to look elegant, beautiful, attractive, aesthetically, and pleasing. In this article, we explain some ideas to design a beautiful home. Of course, you have to spend a lot of money if the exterior of your house has to be decorated by a furniture company. But if you do not have enough money, you can choose according to the drawings that we have described and give it to the doorman. Therefore, we have given some ideas to make the front of your house look beautiful. Hopefully, this article can use for your house to make a house ceiling in your homeroom as your dream. Happy decorating!