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HomeKitchen DesignsSome Examples of Attractive Minimalist Kitchen Shelves For Your Home

Some Examples of Attractive Minimalist Kitchen Shelves For Your Home

1. Overview kitchen

Almost everyone wants their kitchen to look more beautiful and fun. Then, to make this, of course, you have to make the kitchen look neat at all times. Even though you have to do cooking activities, wash dishes, and do other activities every day. In addition, it must also have completeness ranging from ceramic floors, walls, and other equipment. However, types of equipment should not be forgotten, such as a kitchen spice rack and hanging kitchen cabinets to a modern minimalist kitchen set. Then, one you can not forget is the minimalist kitchen shelf that has various functions. For that, we will provide examples of minimalist kitchen shelf designs that you can choose for your kitchen. Of course, according to your wishes.

2. Attractive kitchen shelf design

As we know, a variety of minimalist kitchen shelves has been offered by furniture companies. Of course, not all of them can install in your favorite kitchen. We know one of the kitchen shelf designs can be your choice. Therefore, you must choose a design that fits your narrow kitchen model to look aesthetic.

For kitchen shelves with processed wood, it will be different from original wood and teak because the type of the material is different. The wood types are influential for finishing as well as the selling price. But don’t be tempted by first-class wood because ordinary wood can make your kitchen look more attractive if designed nicely. The most important thing is to choose a kitchen shelf model that fits your kitchen model so that a minimalist kitchen looks more beautiful and harmonious. As we know, the best design will make your wife feel more at home in the kitchen and make her cooking spirit higher. For that, we will provide some examples of kitchen shelf designs for your home and what kind of design you will choose.

3. Some examples of kitchen shelf images

In this article, we will expose some of the kitchen shelf images according to their function. It meant the kitchen shelves from wood, stainless, and iron designs. Then, the models are different. Of course, the model and color you choose must match your kitchen model to make it look more attractive and harmonious. That way, your kitchen does not become cramped.

For that, we recommend that you do not put excessive kitchen equipment because it can make it difficult for you to move. For that, let’s discuss one by one the images below. Hopefully, the images in this article can be one of the best inspirations for you. Happy following!

Minimalist aluminum kitchen shelf

If you choose aluminum kitchen shelves, you have to put them in the right place. So it can make your kitchen look beautiful and charming. In this picture, this aluminum shelf has been placed above the kitchen table sink. We can see, this kitchen shelf is made of iron and stainless steel and can be used to put cutlery and fruit. That way, your kitchen looks neat. The most important thing when you buy it, you have to measure the width and height of the kitchen shelf so that it looks like it matches the design of your kitchen table. Then for the design selection, don’t overdo it because it can cause the kitchen to be cramped. Hopefully, this shelf model can add inspiration for you if your kitchen looks beautiful and fun.

Minimalist kitchen hanging shelves

If you don’t want to use a kitchen cabinet or kitchen set, you can choose a minimalist kitchen hanging shelf or a wooden kitchen shelf like this picture. Then, you can select a minimalist kitchen shelf or a modern minimalist kitchen shelf to put spices, cooking utensils, and other equipment. You can see in the picture above the hanging wood shelf mounted on the kitchen wall has been designed with natural stone. In this way, the kitchen will look more practical and not cramped. To add to the beauty of the kitchen, you can put flower pots and kitchen accessories on the kitchen shelf area. Designs like this make the kitchen look more attractive and fun. If you don’t want to be complicated with the kitchen set, you can use this image as an additional inspiration for you. Happy decorating!

Kitchen shelves made of iron and wood

Having a beautiful and practical kitchen makes us happy. Because we are not confused to arrange it and the kitchen also looks more spacious. This kitchen shelf image shows a multipurpose kitchen shelf made of wood and iron in brown paint. This hanging shelf is mounted on the kitchen wall and is used to place kitchen accessories, tableware, and flowerpot decorations. In addition, the kitchen shelf also can be used to put kitchen spices. With this arrangement, a minimalist kitchen looks practical and fun. But don’t select a wood shelf and iron are not match the area of ​​your kitchen because it will make the kitchen unattractive and comfortable. We hope that this kitchen shelf design can be your inspiration.

Multipurpose kitchen shelves

Are you interested in multipurpose kitchen shelves? of course, you will say yes. This multipurpose kitchen shelf means it can use to place any equipment. But the size of this multipurpose shelf depends on how many items you will put. Of course, for a small kitchen, you will choose a kitchen shelf that fits the size of your kitchen.

In the picture above, you can see this multipurpose kitchen shelf is selected for a mini-size kitchen. Of course, in this place, you can put spices, cutlery, and even a microwave. If you have a kitchen shelf like this, don’t forget to tidy it up every time so that your kitchen looks beautiful and neat. In addition to the kitchen, you can also place a shelf like this in the bedroom and living room for books, flower pots, and room accessories. Hopefully, this versatile kitchen shelf model can be your inspiration. Happy to have!

Corner minimalist kitchen shelf

If you want to decorate your kitchen with a mini minimalist shelf, you can use it in the corner. You can see the kitchen rack is used to put spices and other kitchen utensils. The layout of the kitchen itself looks so neatly. Then put it in the corner of the kitchen wall. This rack is perfect for those of you who have complete cooking spices. But you must select this corner shelf according to the kitchen table, so it doesn’t look cramped. This shelf is perfect for people who like a practical kitchen. The most important thing is that you have to keep your kitchen clean to make it look more beautiful. Then, if you have a narrow kitchen, this design is perfect because it doesn’t take up space. Hopefully, this shelf model can be your inspiration and make you not bother thinking about a luxury kitchen.

Minimalist stainless shelf

You can hang a beautiful stainless kitchen shelf with an attractive design on the wall. This minimalist kitchen shelf model can be an option for those of you who don’t use kitchen sets and kitchen cabinets. To be precise, this shelf can be above the sink, and it is easier to put the cutlery on the right. In addition, this shelf can also save space in your kitchen. If you have a narrow kitchen, this shelf model is perfect for placing in your kitchen. You will be more comfortable in the kitchen because your kitchen will look more spacious. Hopefully, this shelf can be an inspiration for you.

Stainless rack for storing cooking utensils

We always see that cooking utensils are always hung on nails and mounted on the kitchen wall. Of course, this makes the kitchen look messy and dirty. Then it makes you feel uncomfortable.

If your kitchen doesn’t look dirty with eating and cooking utensils. Of course, you can design your kitchen with a mini stainless shelf, and you can mount it on the kitchen wall like the picture above. That way, you can easily put cutlery and other utensils. Then, you should not install the shelf too high because it will make it difficult for you to put your equipment. Then please choose the color of the stainless shelf that matches the color of your kitchen walls to make it look harmonious. With this design, your kitchen will look more comfortable. Hopefully, this shelf model can make inspiration for those of you who like a clean and tidy kitchen.

Metal hanging rack for eating utensils

The appearance of this dark iron shelf is rectangular. On the left and right are covered with iron. This rack has designed to place plates, bowls, and glasses. However, this shelf cannot accommodate many kitchen utensils such as spices. Then to the installation of this iron shelf, do not install it too high because you will find it difficult to put the kitchen utensils. Then choose a dark color so that the iron shelves don’t get dirty and you don’t need to take care of them regularly. Then, don’t choose this iron rack that is too big because your kitchen looks unattractive. To add to the beauty of your kitchen, you can put flower pots in the shelf area to make it look more harmonious. If you have a narrow kitchen, this shelf is perfect for your kitchen because it can save space and make it look spacious. Hopefully, this design can add to your inspiration.

3 tier aluminum rack

This 3-level aluminum shelf has been placed on the kitchen floor, and this 3-tier shelf is made of aluminum. Then it can withstand all weather conditions. This shelf is suitable to be placed in the corner of the kitchen room so it doesn’t take up space. If you don’t want the hassle of putting kitchen utensils, of course, you can use this shelf. You will find it easier to put and take kitchen utensils. In addition to the kitchen, this self can be used for other rooms. The most important thing you must put in the right place. If you are interested in this shelf model, of course, you can arrange it in your kitchen.

Hanger style aluminum rack

This kitchen shelf looks very simple and doesn’t take up much space in your kitchen. This shelf emphasizes the hanging model because all kitchen utensils are hung on this shelf. The long aluminum that is mounted vertically on the kitchen wall is the foundation of the strength of the hanging kitchen utensils. For that, to install it, it must be strong so that the kitchen utensils do not fall. This shelf is very suitable for narrow kitchens because it is more practical, and you can put spices on this shelf. If you want the kitchen to look spacious, you can use this shelf as a place to put your kitchen utensils.

4. Conclusion

Every object that is made certainly has its function, as well as kitchen shelves. Using kitchen wall shelves in a room certainly makes your kitchen look spacious. By using kitchen shelves, there are many benefits that you will get. And above here are the advantages that you will get by using kitchen shelves as a room decoration. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s use the kitchen shelf above as a room decoration. And don’t forget to choose the right shelf shape so that the room looks attractive and aesthetic.



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